Honda revine in F1!!!

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  • Originally posted by IB View Post
    Cu siguranta este o performanta, nu neaparat din perspectiva recuperarii pozitiilor pierdute inainte de startul cursei, cat a faptului ca pentru Mexican monopostul este unul nou, cu care nu prea se intelege, cel putin pentru moment. Iar cele cateva zile de teste nu l-au ajutat mai deloc in a se acomoda cu monopostul, avand in vedere cat de multe se testeaza intr-un timp atat de scurt. Oricum, Perez a spus ca acest monopost necesita un stil de pilotaj atipic fata de ce a mai pilotat el.
    Da, din cauza asta am spus ca este notabila performanta lui, si tot din cauza asta consider ca e remarcabil ca pleaca de pe locul doi in cursa de astazi, in fata lui Max Verstappen. Sa-l vedem in cursa!

    "Things are not what they appear to be: nor are they otherwise."
    "The truth may be out there, but the lies are inside your head." - Sir Terry Pratchett


    • Eu tot trag speranta ca mexicanul o sa-l ia pe Ham la start, plecand de pe trasa mai curata a pistei si cu pneuri mai soft fata de britanic, fapt ce i-ar aduce un plus de tractiune la plecarea din grila. Oricum, am un sentiment ca Mercedes nu va castiga cursa asta, chiar daca forma lor e ceva mai buna decat in Bahrain.


      • Si eu speram sa-l depaseasca Perez pe Hamilton, dar s-a nimerit sa-i depaseasca Verstappen pe amandoi. In rest, presentimentul tau a fost corect. Anul asta cred ca vom avea o lupta mult mai stransa in campionat.
        "Things are not what they appear to be: nor are they otherwise."
        "The truth may be out there, but the lies are inside your head." - Sir Terry Pratchett


        • Sper sa fie stransa. Si spun asta pentru ca ritmul monstruos pe care l-a aratat Ham dupa restart, ma cam pune pe ganduri daca Max ar mai fi castigat cursa in conditii normale. Imi lasa impresia ca fie circuitul asta nu e prea potrivit pt RedBull, fie Mercedes au gasit solutii in cele 3 saptamani de pauza. Oricum, performanta Ham-Mercedes ar trebui sa le dea de gandit celor de la RedBull.


          • Sa vedem, sa vedem. Redbull pare a fi fost ok si Max a gestionat perfect o victorie pe un circuit clasic insa Hamilton a fost cumplit de rapid in comparatie cu toti ceilalti mai putin cu Max. Las la o parte ca regulamentul l-a adus in acelasi tur, chestie aiurea insa conforma regulamentului actual - zici ca e facut ca toata lumea sa insface cite ceva, mai putin cei care piloteaza camioane, rabe si buldozere, alde Williams, Alpine, Haas si, ma rog, ce conduce Mick Schumacher. Motorul Honda si aerodinamica Newey par a fi calea pentru a tine piept sau poate a opri suprematia absoluta Mercedes. (Istoria ne arata ca exista niste cicluri de 4-5 ani in care un constructor rade tot, sintem acum in ciclul Mercedes poate pe sfirsite, poate nu).
            M-a mirat performanta McLaren (poate ca n-ar trebui) si noncombatul Ferrari care pare ca n-au cu ce sau sint la limita a ce au. Nu m-a mirat ca Aston Martin e doar o companie de masini frumoase.
            Performanta si fiabilitatea motorului Honda cred ca nu mai e cazul sa ne mire indiferent de sasiu.
            Io si Ea
            Senior Member
            Last edited by Io si Ea; 18-04-21, 21:51.
            "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is."


            • A fost o cursa interesanta pana la urma. Hamilton a scos un loc 2 de nicaieri, din nou. Asa cum a castigat anul trecut la Silverstone, in 3 roti, asa cum a scos victoria in Turcia sezonul trecut. E frustrant intr-un fel ca si atunci cand greseste, nu-i in cea mai buna zi sau pur si simplu are ghinion, reuseste sa minimizeze numarul de puncte pierdute. On the other hand, asa arata un campion, chiar daca e profund nesuferit.

              Honda chiar a facut progrese remarcabile, mie mi se pare ca RB in momentul asta e masina #1. Totusi, fix inainte de a trece de pe inters pe slicks, HAM s-a apropiat foarte repede de VER. In conditii normale de cursa, nu stiu cat de sigura ar fi fost victoria RB.

              Ferrari si McLaren au facut progrese remarcabile (in special Fer, raportat la tractoarele pe care le-au avut sezonul trecut). Vedem cum se-aseaza lucrurile mai spre mijlocul sezonului, cand si SAI si RIC vor fi avut suficient timp pentru a se obisnui cu masinile (RIC a fost incet astazi, SAI a gresit de multe ori in prima parte a cursei).

              Overall, un inceput de sezon foarte entertaining, nu ma plang deloc. Echilibrul de la varf a venit cam de nicaieri, e, poate, singurul lucru bun pe care l-a adus pandemia .


              • Ce mi se pare ft ciudat este cat de bine merge masina mecedes indiferent de starea anvelopelor. Chiar si cu ele varza sunt mai rapizi decat restul. Am zis asta si campionatul trecut si s-a dovedit ca au cam trisat cu sistemul das. Sa speram ca nu au mai inventat ceva si anul asta ca la softuri si ciordeala se cam pricep nemtii.


                • marvin42
                  Senior Member
                  marvin42 In conditii normale de cursa, nu stiu cat de sigura ar fi fost victoria RB.

                  In conditii normale de cursa strategia RB era sa-si incalte pilotii cu pneuri diferite pentru a-l taia pe LH la start. In rest, speculatii.

                  Echilibrul de la varf a venit cam de nicaieri, e, poate, singurul lucru bun pe care l-a adus pandemia .

                  Oare chiar de nicaieri? Pai pentru ce mai transpira sutele alea de angajati Honda? Nu sunt de accord ca e un succes picat din cer si datorita pandemiei ci sunt de accord ca e un succes bazat pe multe sacrificii si efort.

                  HONDA. The finest from Japan. Since 1963.


                  • Originally posted by hondatu View Post
                    Oare chiar de nicaieri? Pai pentru ce mai transpira sutele alea de angajati Honda? Nu sunt de accord ca e un succes picat din cer si datorita pandemiei ci sunt de accord ca e un succes bazat pe multe sacrificii si efort.
                    La cum au zburdat anul trecut "nemtii", eu unul nu ma asteptam sa fie atat de competitivi cei de la RB. E o surpriza placuta :-).

                    Senior Member
                    bogdi12001 "nemti", vorba vine. Echipa F1 e in UK, la fel ca multe dintre celelalte (McLaren, RB, Williams, Renault, AM). E mult marketing la mijloc, dar cand te uiti unde lucreaza baietii care vin cu ideile, e surprinzator de "englezesc" sportul :-).


                    • Din punctul meu de vedere titlul se va decide in functie de evolutia pilotilor nr 2 de la RBR si Mercedes, in conditiile in care masinile raman nivel apropiat una de alta. Declaratia lui Russel mi-a lasat un gust amar, 100% este data ca sa reintre in gratiile lui Toto, accidentul produs este in proportie de 60-70% din vina lui Bottas.


                      • De ce din vina lui Bottas? N-ai vazut cum i-a fugit masina lui Russell cand a parasit trasa ideala uscata?
                        HONDA. The finest from Japan. Since 1963.


                        • Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot_20210422-200106.png Views:	0 Size:	447.3 KB ID:	875501Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot_20210422-200138.png Views:	0 Size:	442.1 KB ID:	875502 ​​​​​​
                          Este vina lui Bottas 100%, iar Toto mananca rahat pe paine. Din spate, de pe monopostul lui Kimi se vede clar ca Bottas era pe partea stanga cand Russell era inca la aspiratie in spatele finlandezului, iar cand a efectuat depasirea prin dreapta, Bottas vireaza usor dreapta si il impinge pe Russell pana la limita circuitului, cand pierde aderenta pt ca atinge cu rotile din dreapta linia alba, uda.

                          Se vede foarte clar cat spatiu are Bottas in stanga lui, atunci cand il impinge pe Russel in dreapta, spre marginea circuitului.

                          Senior Member
                          Last edited by IB; 22-04-21, 19:13.


                          • Originally posted by hondatu View Post
                            De ce din vina lui Bottas? N-ai vazut cum i-a fugit masina lui Russell cand a parasit trasa ideala uscata?
                            De acord cu @IB

                            - a fost anuntat prin radio inainte de manevra ca Russel e la 0.5 secunde in spatele lui si ca e mai rapid. Nu poti spune ca a fost surprins.
                            - a facut manevra spre dreapta trecand usor cu roata peste marcajul de iesire a boxelor. Acel marcaj ofera loc doar pentru o masina.
                            - a facut manevra cand Russel era deja prea aproape si diferenta de viteza era mare (datorita DRS)

                            Declaratia lui Toto in urma incidentului arata ce mafie exista in toate domeniile, mereu cei puternici au "dreptate". Oricat de "superior", "demiurg" si "fin psiholog" pozeaza prin interviuri, aici a dat cu mucii in fasole. Mai concret nici nu a ezitat sa-i arate lui Russel mata moarta. Auzi la el, trebuia sa trateze Mercedes diferentiat...
                            Iar la faza cu Renault Clio Cup si-a dat arama pe fata. Pai o astfel de masina e mai pura/fun decat masinile "premium" obeze si supraevaluate menite doar sa-i faca la buzunar pe fraierii cu bani multi si ignoranti.

                            Da si comunicatul lui Russel din ziua urmatoare - punandu-si cenusa in cap - e jenant... Era evident ca era facut sub amenintarea unui mare "morcov" ca Toto il reneaga.


                            • Numai sport nu mai este F1. Defapt cred ca in orice "sport" din ziua de astazi este la fel. Doar bani si interese.
                              legat de Hamham eu stiam ca nu ai voie sa rulezi in marsarier, legat tot de asta Senna nu a pierdut un titlu din cauza ca a rulat in marsarier pt a reveni pe pista?


                              • Un articol foarte interesant despre noul PU dezvoltat de Honda pentru acest ultim sezon in F1.

                                As Mercedes comes under increasing pressure from Red Bull and Honda, the Japanese manufacturer's head of power unit development, Yasuaki Asaki gives insight into its final engine.

                                Of the 140 Grand Prix held since the introduction of the hybrid formula in 2014, Mercedes has won 104 of them (74.1%).

                                Honda, which didn't enter until 2015, and prefers to forget those first few seasons, has won 7 (5%).

                                Having announced its decision to leave F1 at the end of this season, Honda opted to bring its final (2022) power unit forward a year, and from the outset it has proved a significant step forward, powering Max Verstappen to pole in Bahrain and the top step of the podium at Imola.

                                With Red Bull taking over Honda's programme from next season, the RA621H is the last power unit produced by Honda itself, and ahead of the third round of the season, the Japanese manufacturer's head of power unit development, Yasuaki Asaki gives insight into the potential championship winner.

                                "The original plan was to implement this new structure PU this year in 2021," Asaki explains. "But then for a variety of reasons, it was decided not to proceed with a brand new PU.

                                "However, the thinking on this really changed when Honda announced that we would be leaving the sport. I went to President Hachigo, and said to him that we would really like to implement this new structure PU for our last year in the sport. And he kindly accepted that request.

                                "With the green light given, our engineers got to work on trying to get everything ready for the new season. That was never going to be an easy task, given the scope of the changes being made to the power unit’s architecture.

                                "First of all we've changed the camshaft layout to be much more compact," he continues, "and also brought its position lower down so it's closer to the ground. We’ve also had to change the valve angle. The main point of what we've changed was to improve combustion efficiency. In order to do so we had to change the valve angle and in order to do that we had to change the camshaft.

                                We've also had to make the head cover lower and more compact, which means that the way that air flows over it has become a lot better. And we've also lowered the centre of gravity of the ICE.

                                "Another thing we changed is the bore pitch, by reducing the distance between one bore and the next, we've made the engine itself shorter, smaller.

                                "In the old engine straddling the transmission we also had a bank offset whereby the left bank was slightly offset from the right bank. So what we've done is reverse this offset on the new engine so that the right bank is forward and the left bank is back.

                                "You'll appreciate this is a completely new engine. And we've been able to bring it to a point where in just six months we've taken it testing without any issues.

                                "Another point that we've had to think about is the fact that combustion efficiency has go better," he admits. "And the camshaft output has got better.

                                "Due to the rules of physics the amount of energy that can be stored has changed and it meant that the amount of exhaust energy has decreased. So compared to the recovery that we were getting last year, what we're having to do is increase the amount of crankshaft output, and at the same time ensure that there's a good level of exhaust output, exhaust temperature as well.

                                "So we've had a number of different development objectives and we believe we have met them."

                                Despite the extremely limited timeframe, Asaki says his team was able to ensure that all the significant developments were included in the new design.

                                "I believe that we were able to implement everything that we have to in order to compete with Mercedes. We had a lot of cooperation from Red Bull, making sure that we could get the most from this new compact engine. Until the summer we were woking on the basis that it was going to be the previous bigger engine.

                                "This is the first time that we’ve gone as far as changing the structure of the PU itself. But I think the biggest challenge that we’ve had up to this point was back in the McLaren days, when we made big changes to the MGU-H, we changed the positioning of the compressor and turbine in relation to the V bank - I think the biggest challenges were back then.

                                "You may be aware that a part of what helped us solve those problems back then was the cooperation with Honda Jet. As I mentioned Honda Motor has helped us with various different points, but one of the points I’d like to mention is a cylinder sleeve plating, produced by our plant in Kumamoto - it’s called the Kumamoto plating. The Kumamoto plant is actually a motorbike factory, but within Honda there’s a substantial amount of collaboration between the two-wheel production and four-wheel production areas.

                                "I have acknowledged in some ways that it was an incredibly challenging target," he concludes. "But I think our engineers have had both the understanding that, yes we’ve only got a year left, but also we’ve got a full year left and we have to do something with that time, and they’ve worked hard during the time that we have had

