Am gasit cateva forumuri romanesti care deja integreaza plugin-ul Tapatalk: forumul ComputerGames, WV Forum etc.. si forumul, unde citesc eu discutii despre modelul Prius.
V-as ruga, daca se poate, sa incercam sa integram si noi acest forum pe iPhone si apoi sa se dea un anunt in masa lumii ca acest forum poate fi vizualizat si pe iPhone. Ar fi un pas inainte dpdv tehnic si ne-ar usura tuturor timpul de logare si raspuns, mai ales celor care folosesc iPhone, Nokia si BlackBerry - cred ca sunt destui pe aici.
FAQ pentru administratorii HondaFan:
Q: How much does it cost?
A: As a forum owner you are free to activate Tapatalk in your forum, and you are free to remove/deactivate it anytime you want to. A free version of the app is also available. There is a paid version at US$2.99 for iPhone, Android, Nokia (BlackBerry version is in beta and is currently free).
Q: Which forum system does it currently support?
A: Currently phpBB3 3.0.x, vBulletin 3.7.x/3.8.x/4.0.x, Invision Power Board (IPB) 3.0.x and Simple Machine Forum (SMF) 1.1.x/2.0.x are supported.
Q: I have multiple forums, Can I activate more than one forum?
A: Yes, you can and additional forums are free also.
Q: What's the point of this app if my members can access my site with mobile skin at no cost?
A: We received a lot of feedback from users that they want a dedicated app on their smartphone. Most users are contented with the mobile skin or a standard web browser but some of them would appreciate a full-on native app on their phone. For example Tapatalk app allows user to upload photo directly from their phone to your forum as an image attachment. We are also rolling out Push Notification support so it helps your members to stay in touch with your forums while on-the-go.
Q: Do you do rebranding / private white label for my forum?
A: Yes, please visit our rebranding page for more information
Q: What about a client for Windows Mobile?
A: We are currently no plan for Windows Mobile but will revisit it when Windows Mobile 7 is released.
Q: How does the Tapatalk Plug-in work with my forum system security?
A: The Plugin is designed to inherit all security policies from your forum system. For example, if a specific sub-forum is a restricted access, the Tapatalk iPhone client would not be able to access it unless the logging member has the authority to access it.
Q: Is this service compatible with all other 3rd party modifications that I have installed on my forum system?
A: While we don't guarantee the Tapatalk Plugin will work with all your existing modification. It allows you to experiment the compatibility with our free Lite version. We have tested with many forums with certain degree of modifications and majority of them work well with Tapatalk. Support for modified forums are courtesy basis only and we will not provide refund or any trouble-shooting if it is found that your modification caused the Tapatalk from working as designed.
Q: My organization also developed a forum system, how I can make it compatible with the Tapatalk app so our customers / members would be able to use the same app to access?
A: We can provide different level of support to assist you to develop a similar plugin system that speaks the Tapatalk language. Just drop us an email of what you have in mind.
Pentru mai multe informatii, puteti vizita site-ul lor:
Tapatalk pentru iPhone imi permite sa vizualizez Inbox-ul HondaFan cu doar cateva touch-uri pe ecran, fara sa ma loghez cu user+pwd. Pot sa raspund la mesaje direct (cele din inbox sau topicurile de pe forum), pot da fwd, pot da rating-uri la topicuri etc..
E practic, ca si cand ai fi logat pe interfata web de pe PC. Ai exact aceleasi functii, doar ca sunt integrate intr-o aplicatie.
Astept feedback-ul vostru!
Am gasit cateva forumuri romanesti care deja integreaza plugin-ul Tapatalk: forumul ComputerGames, WV Forum etc.. si forumul, unde citesc eu discutii despre modelul Prius.
V-as ruga, daca se poate, sa incercam sa integram si noi acest forum pe iPhone si apoi sa se dea un anunt in masa lumii ca acest forum poate fi vizualizat si pe iPhone. Ar fi un pas inainte dpdv tehnic si ne-ar usura tuturor timpul de logare si raspuns, mai ales celor care folosesc iPhone, Nokia si BlackBerry - cred ca sunt destui pe aici.
FAQ pentru administratorii HondaFan:
Q: How much does it cost?
A: As a forum owner you are free to activate Tapatalk in your forum, and you are free to remove/deactivate it anytime you want to. A free version of the app is also available. There is a paid version at US$2.99 for iPhone, Android, Nokia (BlackBerry version is in beta and is currently free).
Q: Which forum system does it currently support?
A: Currently phpBB3 3.0.x, vBulletin 3.7.x/3.8.x/4.0.x, Invision Power Board (IPB) 3.0.x and Simple Machine Forum (SMF) 1.1.x/2.0.x are supported.
Q: I have multiple forums, Can I activate more than one forum?
A: Yes, you can and additional forums are free also.
Q: What's the point of this app if my members can access my site with mobile skin at no cost?
A: We received a lot of feedback from users that they want a dedicated app on their smartphone. Most users are contented with the mobile skin or a standard web browser but some of them would appreciate a full-on native app on their phone. For example Tapatalk app allows user to upload photo directly from their phone to your forum as an image attachment. We are also rolling out Push Notification support so it helps your members to stay in touch with your forums while on-the-go.
Q: Do you do rebranding / private white label for my forum?
A: Yes, please visit our rebranding page for more information
Q: What about a client for Windows Mobile?
A: We are currently no plan for Windows Mobile but will revisit it when Windows Mobile 7 is released.
Q: How does the Tapatalk Plug-in work with my forum system security?
A: The Plugin is designed to inherit all security policies from your forum system. For example, if a specific sub-forum is a restricted access, the Tapatalk iPhone client would not be able to access it unless the logging member has the authority to access it.
Q: Is this service compatible with all other 3rd party modifications that I have installed on my forum system?
A: While we don't guarantee the Tapatalk Plugin will work with all your existing modification. It allows you to experiment the compatibility with our free Lite version. We have tested with many forums with certain degree of modifications and majority of them work well with Tapatalk. Support for modified forums are courtesy basis only and we will not provide refund or any trouble-shooting if it is found that your modification caused the Tapatalk from working as designed.
Q: My organization also developed a forum system, how I can make it compatible with the Tapatalk app so our customers / members would be able to use the same app to access?
A: We can provide different level of support to assist you to develop a similar plugin system that speaks the Tapatalk language. Just drop us an email of what you have in mind.
Pentru mai multe informatii, puteti vizita site-ul lor:
Tapatalk pentru iPhone imi permite sa vizualizez Inbox-ul HondaFan cu doar cateva touch-uri pe ecran, fara sa ma loghez cu user+pwd. Pot sa raspund la mesaje direct (cele din inbox sau topicurile de pe forum), pot da fwd, pot da rating-uri la topicuri etc..
E practic, ca si cand ai fi logat pe interfata web de pe PC. Ai exact aceleasi functii, doar ca sunt integrate intr-o aplicatie.
Astept feedback-ul vostru!