Doublepost iar..
unixro: '19 Honda Civic Type R GT Polished Metal Metallic
Cine vrea manual de service pentru Civic X/FK8 gaseste aici:
Table of Contents:- Service / General Information
- Maintenance Minder
- DTC Index & Troubleshooting
- DTC Advanced Diagnostics
- Engine Mechanical System
- Engine Cooling System
- Engine Lubrication System
- Engine Exhaust System
- Turbocharger Control System
- Fuel and Emissions Systems
- Fuel Supply System
- PGM-FI System
- Catalytic Converter System
- PCV System
- Electronic Throttle Control System
- Intake Air System and Exhaust System
- Starter Overhaul
- EVAP System
- Ignition System
- Cruise Control System
- Charging System
- Volt Battery Removal and Installation
- Clutch
- Manual Transmission
- CVT System
- Brake System
- Electric Parking Brake System
- VSA System
- Driveline/Axle
- Front and Rear Suspension
- Adaptive Damper System
- Wheel & Tire System
- TPMS System
- Power Steering
- Steering Wheel and Column
- Climate Control System
- Audio and Visual System
- Navigation System
- CAN Communications
- Driving Support System
- Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS)
- Keyless Access System
- Immobilizer System
- Interior Trim
- Dashboard Center Console
- Power Mirrors
- Gauges System
- Horn System
- Power Window
- Seat System
- Seat Belts System
- SRS Airbag System
- Moonroof System
- Lighting System
- Exterior Trim
- Windows Glass and Mirrors
- Bumpers
- Doors
- Tailgate System
- Trunk/Lid/Hood
- Wipers/Washers
- Body and Paint
- Body Repair
- Body Control Module
- Socket/Fuse/Relay/Switch
- Wire Harness and Ground Locations
- Civic Accessories power socket
- Civic X: PDI Information
- Civic X: PDI of the Navigation System
- Type R: Civic Type R: PDI Information
- Type R: PDI of the Navigation System
- Personalized settings worksheet
- 2018 Hatchback owners guide
Aproape 18K si nimic interesant.. Imi tot aparea problema cu nivel de ulei( doar in a 6-a...) , dar aparent chiar era de la nivel dar in sus nu in jos si asta de la schimbul de ulei. Care mai are verificati pe joja aparent trebuie 5l pusi nu 5.4. N-am iesit prea mult de la schimb dar pare ca nu mai face..
A venit vara, back to roti de 20", si a venit timpul catorva upgrade-uri PRL CAI + PRL intercooler si ceva ce voiam sa fac de mult timp disable la start/stop
P.S. nu ma certati ca-i cam murdar motorul, poza e din timpul instalarii. Impresii so far cuplu mai mult in partea de jos, si woosh woosh
am fost cu ea la recall de pompa, operatiunea a durat undeva la 45 min
Cu ocazia asta am schimbat si placutele si lichidul de frana + ambreiaj
Pot sa zic asa ca o prima impresie ca inca nu-s asezate Dixcel Z-Type mult peste placutele originale si modulate si putere de oprire , sa vedem cum se aseaza si cum se mai simt in timp.
Legat de lichid de ambreiaj, am tot vrut de ceva timp ca am fost patit cu cealata sa agate de la el, pot sa zic ca se simte o mica diferenta, nu agata nici inainte dar acum e mai smooth putin la schimbare de trepte.
Altfel n-am ce raporta , merge , consuma din astea poate un feedback dupa ce i-am pus intercoolerul e mult mai consistenta si se simte destul de bine asta mai ales vara, iar admisia e woosh woosh, nu enervant acum ca tot am facut si ceva drumuri mai lungi.