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    razvan p.
    Senior Member

  • razvan p.
    cred ca sunt prea pasional in relatia cu honda!de fapt ma cam doare cand o vad scufundandu-se la propriu si vorbind doar la modul trecut de istoria ei sportiva!

    nu cred o iota din viitorul care apare!si crezi ca umblatul in genunchi prin lumea F1 si-a dorit SOICHIRO HONDA?????

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  • bgdsta
    Senior Member

  • bgdsta
    Razvane, ce te mai aprinzi cand auzi de Fukuy si de ideile lui. Esti cel mai vehement critic al lui.

    Am vazut aseara pe MotorsTV o cursa in care erau si Civic 4D. Cursa se desfasura intr-un campionat de prin Japonia cred, oricum prin Asia. Nu stiam ca participa si cu modelul asta.

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  • razvan p.
    Senior Member

  • razvan p.

    noroc ca mai exista fani adevarati ai motor-sportului si nu toti uita ce inseamna HONDA(unde exista o cursa,trebuie sa fie o honda neaparat-S.H.).
    noroc ca nu toti au imbratisat calea nord correana a conducerii HONDA MOTORS' COMPANY si a mult iubitului conducator-tovarasul FUKUY!(o persoana care sa-si doreasca sa sterga cat mai repede istoria unei companii nu am vazut)

    Am spus-o si o repet:este rusinos,dezonorant si in acelasi timp un comportmanent de o lasitate ticalosita crunta!marele producator de motoare HONDA umbla in genunchi in lumea motor-sportului mondial cu caciula in mana pe la marii producatori auto??????trebuie un ROSS BROWN sau MICHAEL SHUMACHER sa salveze cred ca din buna simt istoria HONDA????

    si in acelasi timp eu sa apalaud ca un handicapat marile "realizari" ale lui nenea ala???eu bag mana in foc ca si politica scumpirilor este una dispaerata si ca honda se invarte in jurul colapsului!!!!!!nu imi dicteaza mie nimeni la ce mod ar trebui sa imi placa o masina si cum ar trebui sa fie un fan adevarat.......
    dar vai,sa imi cer scuze!!!!honda nu a avut niciodata motoare sportive...nici istorie!honda ne vinde gogosi pline cu rahat ecologic!!!!!

    marele FCX-xxxxxxxx trebuie sa-l iei cu tot cu pompa de alimentare)))))))!!!!!!!!!!!!!daca nu ai altul prin tara la vreun prieten nu pleci nici la draq in praznic cu el!!!!

    e mai ECO si mai fezabil proiectul lui MINI COOPER E decat maretul clarity!


    in naivitatea ta nici nu ai idee cate deservicii faci imaginaii honda prin posturile pe tema asta!!!imaginea unui copil dat afara din casa de parinti si care umbla la vecini dupa mancare iti spune ceva???copilul in cauza este HONDA-F1!!!!!

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  • Achim
    Senior Member

  • Achim
    Honda F1 Roundup: Brawn, Schumacher and Ferrari

    F1 teams change hands all the time, but when a major manufacturer pulls out of the sport, it's bound to trigger a rumor mill of tsunamic proportions. And that's exactly what's been going on in the motorsport press following Honda's announcement to cancel its F1 program.

    First came rumors that Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim was to buy the team, but those reports were later denied. Ferrari, meanwhile, has confirmed discussions with Ross Brawn, formerly the Scuderia's technical director and now head of the Honda F1, over the prospect of supplying engines to the team if and when a new buyer is found. (Last year Ferrari supplied both Toro Rosso and Force India, but the latter has switched to Mercedes for the upcoming season.) Brawn and his colleague Nick Fry are reportedly speaking to a number of potential buyers (Prodrive's David Richards possibly still among them), but while the asking price for the team must be lower than usual given the economy and Honda's motivation to sell, sources don't expect the list includes any automakers. (For our part, we wouldn't be surprised to see Hyundai make an offer.) Some reports suggested that Michael Schumacher - with whom Brawn built a close relationship during their tenure at Ferrari, and who races occasionally with Honda on two wheels - could get involved, but Schumi's own spokespeople have denied the rumors. For his part, Brawn has stated his number one priority is securing the jobs of the team's many employees, but even that might prove to be a tall order during these troubled times.


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  • tokyodream
    Senior Member

  • tokyodream

    Mercedes a anuntat ca este dispusa sa ofere motoare echipei Honda Racing in 2009 daca va ajunge la o intelegere financiara cu viitorul proprietar al team-ului.
    Directorul departamentului de motorsport al Mercedes, Norbert Haug, a dezvaluit ca constructorul german este interesat sa ofere motoare echipei Honda Racing, dupa ce Ferrari a exclus luni aceasta posibilitate.
    "Daca exista o solutie fezabila cu un investitor pentru acceasta echipa, am fi pregatiti sa discutam despre asta", a declarat oficialul german pentru publicatia Autosport.

    "Dar trebuie sa exista un acord financiar. Nu poti oferi cadouri in acest moment si in acest climat financiar, dar am vrea sa ajutam pentru binele Formulei 1. Ross Brawn (n.r - seful Honda Racing), Nick Fry (n.r - CEO-ul Honda Racing) si toti ceilalti au facut o treaba foarte buna pana acum, asa ca daca putem fi in masura sa ii ajutam cu siguranta vom incerca sa facem asta. Dar fezabilitatea financiara este foarte importanta. Trebuie sa fie 100% antiglont".

    Incepand din sezonul 2009, Mercedes furnizeaza motoare si pentru Force India, iar Haug a admis ca germanii ar avea si mai mult de munca in cazul unei intelegeri cu Honda. "Nu este momentul ideal. Avem multe de facut cu KERS, cu noua limita de turatie a motoarelor si asa mai departe. Trebuie sa parcurgi distante mai mari cu motoarele pentru a demonstra ca unitatile sunt pregatite. Baietii de la Brixworth muncesc mai mult ca niciodata. Nici cand am schimbat la motoare V8 nu a fost atat de mult de facut ca acum", a adaugat Haug.

    Declaratiile oficialului Mercedes vin la mai putin de 24 de ore dupa ce seful Ferrari, Stefano Domenicali, a exclus posibilitatea ca echipa italiana sa devina furnizor de motoare pentru Honda.

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  • Delphi
    Super Moderator

  • Delphi
    Ce pacat ca nu au mai apucat sa ii umileasca pe toti anul asta. Eu sunt afectat mai putin, dar alti colegi care traiau cu speranta acelui "la anul"...

    Acuma, daca echipa nu o sa mai fie Honda, chiar nu ma intereseaza cine o cumpara.

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  • razvan p.
    Senior Member

  • razvan p.

    cu ce ne-am linistit???ca suntem la cotatia de -infinit???ai macar idee ce vrei sa spui cu ne-am linistit?inceputul sfarsitului cum suna?


    poate bagau ceva motoare pe noile accorduri..

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  • Achim
    Senior Member

  • Achim
    vai ... ce bine ?!
    pana la urma nu stiu daca era un lucru atat de rau
    da ... pentru mandria de "hondar" nu era ok, dar pana la urma echipa s-a retras, asa ca mandria aia s-a retras si ea o data cu ea
    iar Ferrari de bine de rau castiga curse

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  • tokyodream
    Senior Member

  • tokyodream
    Razvan, ne-am linistit:

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  • Achim
    Senior Member

  • Achim
    da auzisem si eu de asta de acum 1 sapt, dar nu vad cum ar avea puterea financiara sa faca asta din moment ce ei fac alt lucru, si anume:

    Fiat and PSA Peugeot/Citroën to merge?
    from Autoblog by Jeremy Korzeniewski

    Two storied European nameplates might combine operations as rumors are flying that Fiat and PSA Peugeot/Citroën may find the road to future profits easier to travel together. The first rumblings of potential trouble at Fiat came when its CEO Sergio Marchionne suggested his company's future looked bleak without a major partner and that there was only room for six global automakers in his estimation. Now, according to Italian newspaper Milano Finanza, leaders of both Italy and France have discussed a possible tie-up between the two companies.

    Both countries are said to be considering offering financial aid packages to their respective home-grown automakers, and a merger may be seen as another way of ensuring their future viability. Although the two automakers specialize in small cars and therefore have many overlapping products, the only joint-ventures currently shared between them are for commercial vehicles and MPVs. If the two Euro giants were to merge, the resulting company would roughly match the size of Nissan/Renault and Volkswagen.


    PSA and Fiat Reportedly at the Altar for Economy-Driven Marriage

    TURIN, ITALY — When Fiat Group's CEO Sergio Marchionne said earlier this month that the auto industry will soon be left with only six big conglomerates — including only "one potential European player" — this may be what he meant. An inside source confirmed to Inside Line this week that Fiat and PSA Peugeot-Citroën have been in constant communication about a tieup tipped as a "marriage of equals."

    As recently as September, Marchionne seemed overwrought in predicting, at the 2008 Paris Auto Show, that the European car market would drop five percent next year. Only a few months on, the situation has deteriorated to the point where a five percent drop in sales in any market in 2009 will be seen as a resoundingly successful year. Year on year, Fiat is now facing a 30 percent drop in November sales in Italy alone, and the trend ahead shows things not getting any better either in Italy or in any of Fiat's markets worldwide.

    In the meantime, PSA Peugeot-Citroën is doing better in France, but not by much, reporting a 17 percent drop year on year. The French also do not see upward trends happening anytime soon.

    That may be why Marchionne, in an early December conference keynote speech, subliminally revealed his company's immediate strategy for onward survival. He pulled no punches when he said the survivors globally after this whole mess will number six conglomerates, each selling a minimum of 5.5 million units annually. His reference to a single European player could very well be a PSA-Fiat.

    An inside source told IL few reasons why this alliance could work really well. "For one thing, both companies are expert in smaller and inexpensive cars. Also, Fiat is number one in Brazil, a big emerging market where the French are weak."

    In addition, they said, Fiat and PSA both are considered at the cutting edge of R&D on both gas- and diesel-powered small-displacement engines. And then, Fiat would also be bringing two more premium brands to the fold in Alfa Romeo and Lancia.

    "All the parts essentially fit," confirmed our source.

    Fiat Automobile is 100 percent owned by Fiat Group and represents 45 percent of the group's annual revenues. Analysts value Fiat Automobile at the equivalent of $3.2 billion, while all of PSA is valued at the equivalent of $4.2 billion. The basic dynamic would have Fiat Automobile merged into PSA Peugeot-Citroën. In exchange, Fiat Group would be the majority shareholder of the operation. (PSA is 30 percent owned by the Peugeot family.)

    Interestingly, too, annual combined volume for Fiat and PSA in 2007 hit nearly 6.2 million, cleverly setting the new company squarely within range of Marchionne's vision of tomorrow.

    Another contact in Paris unwilling to be identified simply says, "If all the numbers match up in the meetings, expect a big transalpine announcement very soon."

    First big endeavour for the new PSA-Fiat mega-company? A worldwide low-cost brand to stuff a sock in the Tata Nano hype and take on Renault-Nissan's Dacia brand.

    Inside Line says: If this merger happened, the combined company would immediately become the European number-four player. It could also mean, however, that Alfa would never ever make it to North America beyond the 8C. — Matt Davis, Correspondent


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  • gab1
    Senior Member

  • gab1
    yachhhhh.... mai degraba preferam sa o ia hyundai decat niste francezi
    Surpriza in F1: Peugeot - Citroen, aproape de a cumpara locul Honda

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  • Achim
    Senior Member

  • Achim
    O noua "era" in F1 ...

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  • razvan p.
    Senior Member

  • razvan p.
    da,s-ar parea ca a fost o simpla apreciere la adresa lui alonso fara a fi exprimata direct dorinta de cooptare in HONDA F1 TEAM.

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  • quiksand

  • quiksand
    nu il vrea.. sunt doar speculatii , ca orice om din formula 1 , la laudat pe alonso , cine nu ar faceo? mai citeste si tu interviuri , numai introdu lumea in eroare asa cum face presa ca sasi vanda ziaru sau sa faca trafic pe site ... intra pe si cauta interviul cu ross brawn ! nu sa exprimat explicit ca il doreste, dar daca se iveste oportunitatea sa il ia , il ia ! cine nu lar lua in echipa lui ?

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  • wazzaaa
    Junior Member

  • wazzaaa
    Ross Brawn in vrea pe Alonso la Honda F1. 8)

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