Honda in F 1 - sezonul 2009 !

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  • #46
    cred ca acesta merge, exact acelasi lucru au facut si in 92 cand a murit Soichiro.. defapt 91, dar aveau contract si in 92.. au lasat balta motoru... , cand probabil cel mai mare campion al tuturor timpurilor plange din cauza ca honda se retrage... e un semnal de alarma... si acum ce au facut tot un semnal de alarma e.... cum poti baga atatia bani in sezonul 2009 si sa te retragi subit... eu zic ca la cati sponsori vroiau sa vina la echipa , puteau concura inca 1 an sub numeel honda.. si din 2010 vedem ce o fi....


    • #47
      linkul merge separat... doar daca nu e postat filmul aici .. cum fac sa il postez separat...?


      • #48
        YouTube - HONDA POWERED by SENNA
        Senior Member
        Last edited by tokyodream; 07-12-08, 17:57.
        Iubesc masinile japoneze. Ele nu mint, nu inseala !


        • #49
          nu prea merge nicio varianta sa dau link'ul de pe youtube fara sa fie embed
          The NSX may be dead, but its spirit lives on. It is an evil spirit. [...] Honda, we beseech you: leave it as it is. Don't disappoint us again.

          DreamSquad | Toda | SKN | Momo | Recaro | TenzoR | Yokohama | Sabelt | TEiN | Becker | Infinity | JBL | Mügen | My '05 NHB EP3 TypeR


          • #50
            exact... merita oamenii sa vada filmu...


            • #51
              sa faca ce am scris cu bold mai sus
              The NSX may be dead, but its spirit lives on. It is an evil spirit. [...] Honda, we beseech you: leave it as it is. Don't disappoint us again.

              DreamSquad | Toda | SKN | Momo | Recaro | TenzoR | Yokohama | Sabelt | TEiN | Becker | Infinity | JBL | Mügen | My '05 NHB EP3 TypeR


              • #52
                poate asta merge... Senna again (knd nu mai era la Honda)
                YouTube - '92 F1 Japanese GP

                later edit: se pare ca nu merge dar cautati titlul voi ... " '92 F1 Japanese GP" si mai puneti si "Senna"... cred ca il va gasi
                The NSX may be dead, but its spirit lives on. It is an evil spirit. [...] Honda, we beseech you: leave it as it is. Don't disappoint us again.

                DreamSquad | Toda | SKN | Momo | Recaro | TenzoR | Yokohama | Sabelt | TEiN | Becker | Infinity | JBL | Mügen | My '05 NHB EP3 TypeR


                • #53
                  Statement by Takeo Fukui, President and CEO, Honda Motor Co., Ltd.

                  Si eu cred ca a fost o miscare buna sa iasa din F1. Banii aia economisiti pot fi folositi mult mai bine si cu mult mai mult folos.
                  "Things are not what they appear to be: nor are they otherwise."
                  "The truth may be out there, but the lies are inside your head." - Sir Terry Pratchett


                  • #54
                    De exemplu pentru ca sa faca un 2.0 aspirat de 200CP la Accordul asta nou ...
                    Accord CL9 Type S CB 600 FA Hornet


                    • #55
                      Da, printre multe altele. Sa finalizeze A-VTEC, sa perfectioneze hibridul, sa faca noul S2000 - sunt multe lucruri care se pot face cu banii aia, care in F1 erau chiar cheltuiti fara rost.
                      "Things are not what they appear to be: nor are they otherwise."
                      "The truth may be out there, but the lies are inside your head." - Sir Terry Pratchett


                      • #56
                        Ati uitat de CR-Z, V6 diesel, ..........
                        Iubesc masinile japoneze. Ele nu mint, nu inseala !
                        ACURA & HONDA SUV FAN CLUB ROMANIA -


                        • #57
                          pt ca e un diesel... si diesel'ul e combustibilul satanei glumesc
                          The NSX may be dead, but its spirit lives on. It is an evil spirit. [...] Honda, we beseech you: leave it as it is. Don't disappoint us again.

                          DreamSquad | Toda | SKN | Momo | Recaro | TenzoR | Yokohama | Sabelt | TEiN | Becker | Infinity | JBL | Mügen | My '05 NHB EP3 TypeR


                          • #58


                            Senior Member
                            Last edited by tokyodream; 08-12-08, 15:51.
                            Iubesc masinile japoneze. Ele nu mint, nu inseala !
                            ACURA & HONDA SUV FAN CLUB ROMANIA -


                            • #59
                              deci asta pune capat oricarei situatii... nuuuu... nu s-a facut nimeni de ras
                              The NSX may be dead, but its spirit lives on. It is an evil spirit. [...] Honda, we beseech you: leave it as it is. Don't disappoint us again.

                              DreamSquad | Toda | SKN | Momo | Recaro | TenzoR | Yokohama | Sabelt | TEiN | Becker | Infinity | JBL | Mügen | My '05 NHB EP3 TypeR


                              • #60
                                Honda commits to remaining motorsport programs after F1 pull out
                                from Autoblog by Sam Abuelsamid

                                The current economic climate has only just started to wreak havoc in the motorsports world, with last week's announcements that Honda is pulling out of F1 and Audi is leaving the American LeMans Series. Things are likely to get worse before they get better as other automakers, including those based in Detroit, will almost certainly cut racing programs and budgets.

                                What won't be affected - at least for now - are Honda's non-F1 endeavors, including its motorcycle programs, the Indy Racing League and the American Le Mans Series. The ALMS and IRL programs are both operated by Honda Performance Development out of Torrance, CA. Unlike the F1 program, the IRL engine program generates revenue from the teams that lease these engines. The Acura ALMS program will definitely continue in 2009 as the team moves up from the LMP2 to the LMP1 class. The big bummer is that Acura won't have any competition from the Audi R10, which is leaving the ALMS next year.
                                The NSX may be dead, but its spirit lives on. It is an evil spirit. [...] Honda, we beseech you: leave it as it is. Don't disappoint us again.

                                DreamSquad | Toda | SKN | Momo | Recaro | TenzoR | Yokohama | Sabelt | TEiN | Becker | Infinity | JBL | Mügen | My '05 NHB EP3 TypeR

