HONDA in Japan SuperGT 2010!

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  • HONDA in Japan SuperGT 2010!

    Honda HSV-10 GT All Set To Replace The NSX In The Japan SuperGT!

    Its still hard to digest the fact that the gorgeous Honda NSX is gone but if what you see here is to replace it, then it wont be missed for long. It looks nothing like its predecessor and even drops the NSX name, the Honda you see above is known as the HSV-10 GT and it has been tasked with continuing the NSX legacy at the Japan SuperGT Championship.
    No official details are available as yet and the picture above is currently the only one circulating the net but expect that to change in the next few weeks. The HSV-10 GT (or Velocity Sports Honda) is built to the 2010 GT500 regulations and packs a new front/mid positioned 500+hp, 3.4-liter V8 powerplant. All that power is put down via the same Ricardo sequential manual gearbox that is fitted to the 2010 SuperGT cars from Nissan and Toyota.
    The HSV-10 GT is also the same car that Honda was originally working on as an NSX replacement. Underneath all that carbon fiber is the very same chassis Honda has been working on for the last two years. If this car ever makes it to production, expect it to do the same thing the original NSX did in the early 90s. Shake up the supercar competition and slap them around.
    Watch it perform at the SuperGT season opener scheduled for March 20 and 21 of 2010.

    Source: LeBlogAuto via AutoBlog


    Honda to compete in GT500 class of 2010 Super GT Series with HSV-010 GT

    December 22, 2009―Honda Motor Co., Ltd. announced today that it will compete in the GT500 class of the 2010 Super GT Series (managed and run by GTA Co., Ltd.) with its HSV-010 GT.

    The HSV-010 GT was developed exclusively for racing with the hope of offering thrills and dreams to fans through an unremitting focus on speed-the starting point of all motorsports. The model conforms to the 2010 GT500 Regulations, (including a 3.4-liter V8 engine and an FR layout) issued by the Japan Automobile Federation (JAF), having earned JAF-GT500 basic vehicle registration.

    The HSV-010 GT is slated to debut at the Super GT season opener at the Suzuka Circuit, held on March 2021 (Sat.Sun.), 2010.

    * The letters "HSV" stand for Honda Sports Velocity.

    Since joining the All Japan Grand Touring Car Championship (JGTC) in 1997 with its NSX-GT, Honda has competed in a total of 106 races during 13 years through the end of the 2009 season. During this time, Honda has taken the pole position 50 times and won 37 races.
    Iubesc masinile japoneze. Ele nu mint, nu inseala !

  • #2
    Kansenzyuku Claus delivers photos of HSV-010 on track!

    Date: December 24, 2009 14:39
    Submitted by: Jeff
    Credibility Rating: Not Specified

    Here's some shots of the HSV-010 during some track testing that took place earlier today.

    Merry Christmas!

    Sorry, I can't make much from the machine translation of the text of the news article, but the HSV-010 looks pretty good in these photos!

    See the full story here:

    Now, peep some fresh youtube footage :

    Pozele nu puteau afisate, dar "le-am trecut" prin imageshack !
    ce sunet are masina
    din ce-am citit pe net, pe vreo 7-8 site-uri, masina PLACE
    somn usor!
    Iubesc masinile japoneze. Ele nu mint, nu inseala !


    • #3
      te trec fiorii cand auzi motorul:

      YouTube - HONDA HSV-010 GT 鈴鹿TEST[/URL]
      Iubesc masinile japoneze. Ele nu mint, nu inseala !


      • #4
        moama cum suna!
        pe franare scoate un tztzzit, dar are un sunet mult mai nervos decat F1!
        pana una alta... spor in plan si numai bucurii!!!


        • #5
          Exceptand ledurile alea la haudi, arata foarte bine. Si sunetul imi place mult.
          "Things are not what they appear to be: nor are they otherwise."
          "The truth may be out there, but the lies are inside your head." - Sir Terry Pratchett


          • #6
            partea a doua:

            YouTube - HONDA HSV-010 GT 鈴鹿TEST Part2[/URL]
            Iubesc masinile japoneze. Ele nu mint, nu inseala !


            • #7
              vai de capul meu..... pornaciune cu roti... lipsesc si eu 3 zile de pe forum, and this happens. Mersi sensei Tokyo, la noapte visez frumos!
              Ex: Civic FK2 - Champagne Silver
              Nissan Juke nismo - Pearl White

              If you need to move, you drop a cog or two, then hammer the loud pedal - instant grin factor 5


              • #8
                Japonezul nfuriat!

                Honda HSV 010 GT a fost surprinsă n teste, prevestind deja viitorul model de serie ce va nlocui vestita Honda NSX.

                Imaginile realizate pe circuitul Suzuka din Japonia ne arată o maşină pregătită pentru Japan Super GT Race Series, clasa GT500. Pentru participare maşina trebuie să fie echipată cu un motor V8 de 3,4 litri, care să aibă un corespondent şi n variantele de serie.

                Noul sezon va debuta pe 20 martie, astfel că nu este exclus să vedem versiunea finală de serie a noului bolid nipon Honda HSV la Salonul Auto de la Detroit.


                Iubesc masinile japoneze. Ele nu mint, nu inseala !


                • #9
                  Foarte tare masina intr-adevar, numai ca din pacate nu pare a fi urmasa NSX-ului...aceea era o masina de strada care era preparata si pentru curse, asta pare exclusiv pentru curse din ce vad...


                  • #10
                    daca va fii si o versiune de serie, aceasta cu siguranta va suferi cateva modificari.


                    • #11
                      Sa nu ramanem surprinsi! Honda are puterea de a surprinde ! la ce e mai sus am salivat la propriu ! vorba desteapta ce am auzit ,.. japonezu nu construieste japonezu creeaza , e posibil sa vedem si aceasta masina in productia de serie , bineinteles cu mici modificari in minus !!


                      • #12
                        date tehnice:


                        Honda introduces HSV-010 GT for competing in GT500 class of SUPER GT Series!

                        January 18, 2010 - Honda Motor Co., Ltd. introduced the HSV-010 GT, which will compete in the GT500 class of the 2010 Super GT Series (managed and run by GTA Co., Ltd.).

                        * The letters HSV stand for Honda Sports Velocity.

                        HSV-010 GT

                        Honda HSV-010 GT: Specifications and performance characteristics

                        Dimensions, weight:

                        Length Width Height (m) ............4.675 2.000 (not disclosed)
                        Wheelbase (m)............... 2.700
                        Vehicle weight (kg) .............1,100 or more

                        Engine :

                        Engine name................ HR10EG
                        Configuration............... Liquid-cooled, naturally aspirated, longitudinal V8
                        V angle () ..................90
                        Valve train ..................Gear-driven DOHC: 2 intake and 2 exhaust valves per cylinder
                        Displacement (cm3).................... 3,397
                        Bore stroke (mm)........................... 93.0 62.5
                        Compression ratio ........................(Not disclosed)
                        Maximum output (kW[PS])................ 370 (500) or more
                        Maximum torque(Nm[kgm]) ....................392 (40.0) or more
                        Throttle control system....................... Mechanical
                        Fuel supply system ............................Programmed fuel injection system (Honda PGM-FI)
                        Fuel ................................Lead-free premium gasoline
                        Lubrication ..........................Dry sump

                        Powertrain, running system :

                        Transmission mechanism............................ Constant mesh
                        Transmission shifting method ....................Steering paddle shifter
                        Steering system mechanism ..............................Rack and pinion system with electric power steering (EPS)
                        Tires(FrontRear)....................... 330/40R18 330/45R17
                        Brake type and mechanism.......................... Hydraulic ventilated disc system
                        Suspension system........................ Double wishbone
                        Stabilizer ................................Torsion bar

                        Senior Member
                        Last edited by tokyodream; 18-01-10, 21:38.
                        Iubesc masinile japoneze. Ele nu mint, nu inseala !
                        ACURA & HONDA SUV FAN CLUB ROMANIA -


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Den1GRator View Post
                          Foarte tare masina intr-adevar, numai ca din pacate nu pare a fi urmasa NSX-ului...aceea era o masina de strada care era preparata si pentru curse, asta pare exclusiv pentru curse din ce vad...
                          regulile GT spuneau asta in mare. dar Hnda a gasit o portita, sa puna in cursa o 'production ready car'. poate s-or milui s-o si puna in productie, macar cu 400-450 CP. tot ar fi un concurent pentru Nissan GT-R

                          in alta ordine de idei, arata bine si suna fantastic. Go, Honda, go!


                          • #14
                            Cele 5 echipaje, avand cate 2 piloti:

                            Iubesc masinile japoneze. Ele nu mint, nu inseala !
                            ACURA & HONDA SUV FAN CLUB ROMANIA -


                            • #15
                              Nu stiu ce sa zic despre versiunea de strada, daca o sa fie, dar sunt convins ca o sa apara ceva foarte asemanator cu HSV GT.

                              Cateva argumente pro, dupa mine:

                              Pentru o masina de curse scoasa din nimic masina are un design prea dintr-o data scos in lume pentru a nu fi proiectata dintr-o varianta posibil de serie.

                              Modul in care masina asta, pur pentru curse, are o atentie foarte mare la detalii, cum ar fi blocurile optice fata cat si cele din spate, care au atingeri de mare finete, ma intriga. Nu cred ca Honda ar scoate asa ceva doar pentru curse si si-ar bate capul atat de date cu design-ul masinii.

                              Era mult mai simplu sa copieze 50% dintr-o masina existenta si sa faca restu de 50, dar masina asta e 100% altceva.

                              Toate aceste lucruri privite cu atentie ma fac sa cred ca o sa vedem si o varianta comerciala, mai mult ca sigur mult mai cuminte, dar care sa inlocuiasca NSX.

                              De ce ar face Honda asta? Pentru ca:

                              Toyota are un concept - FT-HS, care o sa se transforme in ceva de strada.. mai devreme sau mai tarziu

                              Mitsubishi lucreaza si ei la o chestie care are forma generala a fostului Eclipse si botul noilor Lancer, dar mult mai agresiv.

                              Nissan are GTR-ul

                              Mazda are Furai, un ozn care o sa piarda mult din forme pana la varianta de strada.

                              Subaru are in minte ceva care seamana cu actualul Impreza hatchback... dar mai agresiv

                              Asta-i doar parerea mea, dupa cum vad eu decursul normal al lucrurilor. Nu-i vad pe cei de la HONDA impotmoliti total in eco stuff si pierzand contactul cu rivalii de casa.
                              Daca vine muntele la tine si nu te cheama Mahomed... fugi!!! Sigur e alunecare de teren!

