in seara asta am avut surpriza ca masina sa nu mai porneasca...acumulatorul era mort. cryo la schimbat de cazut a mai cazut si la altii...exista o problema?
Acumulatorul masinii - probleme?
Acumulatorul masinii - probleme?
ex CL7 AT 2006
CN1 Sport 2005
KB 1 2007-"A gloriously good car that no-one in their right mind will ever buy"
"The Honda Legend is a highly technically complicated and luxurious bit of kit that seems to be making more of a name for itself as the secondhand sale of the century"Tags: None
La mine inca invarte, nu a dat semne de oboseala dar cred ca am alta bacterie decat la variantele pe benzina. Oricum daca era vreo problema generala cred ca mai auzeam si la altii, mai ales acum ca a dat frigulHobby electronics -
eu l-am schimbat deoarece, fiind masina de showroom, era cam frecat. Oricum, se pare ca (,) capacitatea sa este destul de la limita.
Razvan, cred ca ai uitat un consumator in functiune. Daca ai fost cu masina la spalat, vezi ca baietii, din greseala, mai aprind plafoniera, si ai toate sansele sa n-o observi decat a doua zi, cand nu-ti mai pleaca masina.
nu,a stat 4 ore in fata casei unde am dat drumul la instalatia de incalzire centrala!!!
fara consumatori.ex CL7 AT 2006
CN1 Sport 2005
KB 1 2007-"A gloriously good car that no-one in their right mind will ever buy"
"The Honda Legend is a highly technically complicated and luxurious bit of kit that seems to be making more of a name for itself as the secondhand sale of the century"
Nu are cum sa consume o baterie doar plafoniera. E un bec de 5W (cred), deci vreo 0.5A. Bateria la ~40Ah ar trebui sa tina aparent vreo 3 zile cu becul ala aprins.ex Accord 2.0 ES M/T 2007 CL7
Accord 2.4 Executive M/T CU2 2008
Suzuki SX4 1.6 GLX 4WD 2008
Mitsubishi Outlander 2.3 Invite 4WD 2012
da asa ma gandeam si eu...dar in fine!!!!cert este ca eu am avut o problema. :roll:ex CL7 AT 2006
CN1 Sport 2005
KB 1 2007-"A gloriously good car that no-one in their right mind will ever buy"
"The Honda Legend is a highly technically complicated and luxurious bit of kit that seems to be making more of a name for itself as the secondhand sale of the century"
deci,akebono, acumulatorul de pe ACCORD este un acumulator " de 35,"fara intretinere si cred ca "are o durata de viata de 11 luni"!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
fara intretinere in ce sens:nu poate fi completat cu apa si cat functioneaza, functioaneaza.cum semne de oboseala nu a dat si acum nu a mai pornit sigur e pe avut multe masini si inafara de daciile echipate cu rombat nici unul nu si-a revenit dupa un asemenea soc.
dar vom vedea.vine iarna iar eu cabluri in porbagaj nu tin la o masina de 11 luni :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:ex CL7 AT 2006
CN1 Sport 2005
KB 1 2007-"A gloriously good car that no-one in their right mind will ever buy"
"The Honda Legend is a highly technically complicated and luxurious bit of kit that seems to be making more of a name for itself as the secondhand sale of the century"
pai nu suport.ex CL7 AT 2006
CN1 Sport 2005
KB 1 2007-"A gloriously good car that no-one in their right mind will ever buy"
"The Honda Legend is a highly technically complicated and luxurious bit of kit that seems to be making more of a name for itself as the secondhand sale of the century"
Apropos de consumatori electrici mai putin evidenti, aveti idee ce e cu warning-ul de mai jos (pag 120 din manualul in format PDF)?
"Do not leave the light switch in
AUTO if you will not be driving the
car for an extended period (a week
or more)."
Ce sens are sa consume senzorul de lumina cand contactul este luat? :?
P.S. Poate ca are, poate ca nu are legatura cu problema lui @razvan p. - dar acum mi-am amintit de asta...Accord 2.0 Elegance
Originally posted by akebono35mA? Este f f putin pentru cata electrica are masina. Ia-ti unul de 50 sau 55mA bun si ai scapat.
35Ah sunt suficienti daca are alternatorul puternic. Cu motorul oprit situatia se complica rapid, evident, in cazul in care tii muzica, becuri, faruri etc (vorbesc in general, aici nu e cazul).
razvan: s-a inrosit martorul bateriei? Are acolo o legenda cu culorile in functie de cat de uzata este.ex Accord 2.0 ES M/T 2007 CL7
Accord 2.4 Executive M/T CU2 2008
Suzuki SX4 1.6 GLX 4WD 2008
Mitsubishi Outlander 2.3 Invite 4WD 2012