Miroase daca are mercaptan in el, altfel nu miroase. Au mai fost cazuri cand au uitat sa puna mercaptan.
LPG is odourless and legal requirements therefore decree that it be odourised by special unpleasant smelling, non-addictive substances at doses of 14 – 30g per tonne of product, so that non-violent accidental leaks can be clearly detected by smell, when the concentration of LPG in the air reaches a value of 1/5 of the lower limit of flammability at the most. The odourising substances obviously have characteristics compatible with the use to be made of the LPG; despite being toxic at their pure state, they are not toxic in the doses used and are burnt with air in normal combustion.
Sursa: http://www.lampogas.it/en/LPG/Product-characteristic
LPG is odourless and legal requirements therefore decree that it be odourised by special unpleasant smelling, non-addictive substances at doses of 14 – 30g per tonne of product, so that non-violent accidental leaks can be clearly detected by smell, when the concentration of LPG in the air reaches a value of 1/5 of the lower limit of flammability at the most. The odourising substances obviously have characteristics compatible with the use to be made of the LPG; despite being toxic at their pure state, they are not toxic in the doses used and are burnt with air in normal combustion.
Sursa: http://www.lampogas.it/en/LPG/Product-characteristic