Ce benzina?

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  • #46
    Benzina la OMV este tot Petrom, dar nu stiu ce fel de benzina primesc ei de la romani, ca nu se compara. De motorina am auzit si eu numai lucruri bune la OMV, e aditivata special pt prevenirea inghetului la temp foarte mici.


    • #47
      stiu si eu ca este o legatura intre petrom si omw dar nu sunt sigur ca este aceeasi benzina la petrom si omw pentru ca eu de fiecare data cind am alimentat la omw mi-a mers masina mai naspa
      I'd Rather Push A Honda Than Drive A Volkswagon


      • #48
        Dintre toate motorinele in 60.000km am vazut ca Super Euro Diesel de la Petrom era cea care mergea cel mai bine. Cu motorina euro4 de la OMV am avut probleme vara trecuta si pana nu mi-au dezactivat sonda de noxe n-am putut sa merg normal cu plinul respectiv.

        Cu Super Euro Diesel de la Petrom n-am avut niciodata probleme. Mi-a mers excelent. La fel si euro5 de la OMV. La motorina de la Mol, Rompetrol, Shell (cat a mai fost) nu am simtit mai nimic.

        Acum am benzinara si ultimul plin l-am facut cu benzina evo de la Mol. Inainte alimentasem cu cea de 95, diferentele s-au vazut. Cred ca saptamana viitoare plinul urmator va fi cu top 99+

        Am alimentat si de la Rompetrol. Nu am multi km cu accord-ul benzinar, probabil la vara voi sti mai multe despre benzine
        '13 CR-V 2.2 i-DTEC Lifestyle M/T


        • #49
          eu am pus pana acum doar de la OMV (100) - mi-e cam frica sincer sa fac experimente, asa ca sincer sunt curios sa vad ce aflii despre calitatea sortimentelor de benzina de pe piata.


          • #50
            Oricum, la o masina noua nu prea se simte mare diferentsa. In schimb, cand mai iau vechiul meu Ford, dak bag Petrom 95 in ea, e dezastru, imi da in nas, si merge execrabil, dar dak bag Petrom 99+, merge ceas. Deci aici se simte :roll:

            Un sfat care l-am auzit si care e cat de cat plauzibil, este sa incerci sa bagi de la statii cat mai noi, care au rezervoarele "recente", fiindk asta inseamna ca nu a avut cand sa se depuna mizerie pe fundul lor :roll:

            Eu unul in ultima vreme am mers pe OMV 95, si am fost extrem de multumit de consum, dar si de performantele oferite 8) Kiar recomand.
            The NSX may be dead, but its spirit lives on. It is an evil spirit. [...] Honda, we beseech you: leave it as it is. Don't disappoint us again.

            DreamSquad | Toda | SKN | Momo | Recaro | TenzoR | Yokohama | Sabelt | TEiN | Becker | Infinity | JBL | Mügen | My '05 NHB EP3 TypeR


            • #51
              Eu folosesc de mai bine de 2 ani numai benzina de 100 de obicei Shell V Power. In tara pun OMV 100 care din cate stiu este importata din Austria si am incercat si 99+ de la Petrom. Asta de 99+ parca nu e pe gustul masinii, parca nu urca asa de usor in ture. Intre celelalte doua de 100 V Power-ul este mai bun si consumul mai scazut cam cu 1,5-2 l.
              Honda Accord 2.0i Sport
              Mods: mai multe - da' mi-e lene sa scriu...


              • #52
                Eu am avut o experienta proasta cu Petrom 99+. In primul rand mi-a consumat 12,1% pe vremea asta calda (pe frig asta iarna nu a trecut de 10,7%) si in plus se auzea si motorul mult mai zgomotos si mai "diesel". Sau la pompa arata mai mult decat pui tu in realitate, sau poate si statia e de vina, adica benzina era cu apa, gunoaie, etc, pentru ca asa ceva nu am vazut nici la Petrom 95, OMV 95, sau altceva. A ba da, la Shell pe vremuri si uneori la Agip.

                Am pus Mol 98, si imediat s-a vazut diferenta: motorul merge mult mai rotund, raspunde mult mai bine la acceleratie, e mult mai silentios. Pacat ca e cam scumpa, dar sa vedem cum ies cu consumul. Data viitoare o sa incerc cu Mol 95, sa vedem ce da.
                "Things are not what they appear to be: nor are they otherwise."
                "The truth may be out there, but the lies are inside your head." - Sir Terry Pratchett


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Ati
                  mie cu omv 100 imi consuma in medie cu 1,5-2l mai mult fata de petrom 99
                  dar fuge mai bine
                  acum fiecare ce doreste :wink:
                  Teoretic cu cat cifra octanica e mai mare cu atat ar trebui sa consume mai putin.Dar si la mine se intampla opusul .Consuma mai mult.
                  O parere a unui prieten este ca,,, cauza este avansul.Adica trebuie modificat avansul daca bagi benzina de 100 de exemplu.Avansul meu e reglat pe benzina de 95,probabil se schimba daca bag benzina de 100.
                  Pentru asta eu zic ca ar trebui facuta o proba.


                  • #54
                    Confirm si eu consumul mai mare la benzina omv100. (cam cu 1.5l) Nu am observat diferente mari in demaraje fata de top99+ de la petrom. Se simte ca-i alta benzina, dar nu ca diferenta de la 95 la 99+
                    '13 CR-V 2.2 i-DTEC Lifestyle M/T


                    • #55
                      eu nu am simtit nici o diferenta intre omv 95 si petrom 99 ...decat la consum ..e mai mare consumul cu petrom 99.
                      2006 Accord 2.0LS A/T


                      • #56
                        Luat de pe http://www.carbibles.com/fuel_engine_bible.html:

                        Octane and power
                        It's a common misconception amongst car enthusiasts that higher octane = more power. This is simply not true. The myth arose because of sportier vehicles requiring higher octane fuels. Without understanding why, a certain section of the car subculture decided that this was because higher octane petrol meant higher power.
                        The reality of the situation is a little different. Power is limited by the maximum amount of fuel-air mixture that can be jammed into the combustion chamber. Because high performance engines operate with high compression ratios they are more likely to suffer from detonation and so to compensate, they need a higher octane fuel to control the burn. So yes, sports cars do need high octane fuel, but it's not because the octane rating is somehow giving more power. It's because it's required because the engine develops more power because of its design.
                        There is a direct correlation between the compression ratio of an engine and its fuel octane requirements. The following table is a rough guide to octane values per engine compression ratio for a carburettor engine without engine management. For modern fuel-injected cars with advanced engine management systems, these values are lowered by about 5 to 7 points.

                        Compression ratio Octane
                        5:1 72
                        6:1 81
                        7:1 87
                        8:1 92
                        9:1 96
                        10:1 100
                        11:1 104
                        12:1 108

                        Octane and gas mileage
                        Here's a good question : can octane affect gas mileage. The short answer is absolutely, yes it can, but not for the reasons you might think. The octane value of a fuel itself has nothing to do with how much potential energy the fuel has, or how cleanly or efficiently it burns. All it does is control the burn. However, if you're running with a petrol that isn't the octane rating recommended for your car, you could lose gas mileage. Why? Lets say your manufacturers handbook recommends that you run 87 octane fuel in your car but you fill it with 85 instead, trying to save some money on filling up. Your car will still work just fine because the engine management system will be detecting knock and retarding the ignition timing to compensate. And that's the key. By changing the ignition timing, you could be losing efficiency in the engine, which could translate into worse gas mileage. Again as a practical example, my little tale above about our trip to Vegas on low octane gas. (Whether you want to believe some bloke on the internet or not is up to you). On the low octane gas on the trip down, we could barely get 23.5mpg out of the Subaru. Once I was able to fill it up again with premium at the recommended octane rating, we got 27.9mpg on the way back. A difference of 4.4mpg over 450 miles of driving.
                        Doing the maths, you can figure out that by skimping on the price during fill-up, you may save a little money right there and then, but it costs in the long term because you're going to be filling up more often to do the same mileage. My advice? Do what the handbook tells you. After all it's in the manufacturers better interests that you get the most performance out of your car as you can - they don't want you badmouthing them, and in this day and age of instant internet gratification, you can bad-mouth a large company very quickly and get a lot of publicity.
                        Am ajuns la concluzia ca nu conteaza atat cifra octanica, atat vreme cat se incadreaza in ce recomanda producatorul masinii, ci mai degraba cat de curata este benzina. Eu m-am intors la OMV 95, dupa ce am incercat Petrom 95, 99+, MOL 98 si 95 si vad ca merge cel mai bine: zgomot mai mic, mers mai uniform al motorului, la ralanti acul vitezometrului sta nemiscat la 600, schimbatorul nu trepideaza. De la Petrom nu am sa mai pun decat daca nu am altceva la dispozitie.
                        "Things are not what they appear to be: nor are they otherwise."
                        "The truth may be out there, but the lies are inside your head." - Sir Terry Pratchett


                        • #57
                          corect. consumul optim este cu carburantul de cifra octanica minim recomandat de producator ( bazat pe caracteristicile motorului).
                          ex Civic mk.7 EX sedan 2002, 1.7VTEC
                          ex Acura TL 2006, 3.2 V6 SOHC VTEC
                          Civic Si sedan 2007, 2.0 DOHC iVTEC
                          Acura MDX 2011, 3.7 V6 SOHC VTEC


                          • #58
                            Hm. Primul plin la masina mea a fost cu OMV95 (langa Gara de Nord). Atunci a consumat cam mult, dar probabil era si motorul mai tanar.
                            M-ati facut sa incerc din nou benzina asta
                            '13 CR-V 2.2 i-DTEC Lifestyle M/T


                            • #59
                              Dan, cred ca treaba e cam asa: nu toata benzina OMV 95 (de ex.) e la fel peste tot. Depinde foarte mult de benzinarie (cat are rezervoarele de noi, de curate, fara rugina, apa sau alte impuritati), si tine cont ca marea majoritate sunt in franciza, asa ca... poti sa pui aceeasi benzina de la 2 statii diferite, si sa obtii 2 efecte total diferite asupra functionarii motorului.

                              Bine, sunt si cele care sunt intotdeauna proaste, gen Agip, raposatul Shell, etc.
                              "Things are not what they appear to be: nor are they otherwise."
                              "The truth may be out there, but the lies are inside your head." - Sir Terry Pratchett


                              • #60
                                In Iasi sunt doua benzinarii OMV, iar eu alimentez de la cea mai nou construita In a doua jumatate a saptamanii viitoare s-ar parea ca am de facut aprox 1500km. Voi alimenta numai cu OMV95 sa vedem ce consum voi avea la acelasi stil de mers si revin cu detalii.
                                '13 CR-V 2.2 i-DTEC Lifestyle M/T

